All requests must be made
10 days in advance so that we can determine staff coverage.
Link to Engagement Center Room Descriptions
If your organization has a firewall, it may prevent you from connecting to the ClickShare app. If you need to use one of our laptops to present, please let us know prior to your arrival.
*We recommend having your presentation saved to a flash drive and bringing it with you.
Parking Instructions - You are welcome to park in our building’s paid parking ramp which is located on the corner of S Edwards St and E Michigan Ave. As you go down E Michigan Ave, turn left on S Edwards St and make another left to enter the ramp. You may park in any open space, on any level. There are four handicapped parking spots available on the 4th floor. Building access is found through the center stair on each floor marked - Elevator. Our lobby is located on the first floor. The cost is $2.75 for the first two hours, $2.00 per hour after that. Maximum daily rate of $30.
Link to Parking Instructions Video
As sponsors of this activity, we agree to abide by
The Kalamazoo Promise Engagement Center Use Policy.
Link to Engagement Center Use Policy
Following use of the meeting room, your organization must returnthe room to its original condition.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please call 269.337.0037 or email Aundria Cunningham, Operations Assistant, at